NOC is a continuation of our long-standing R&D activities which has been marked by the following benchmarks:
The National Research and Education Network «Ariadne» (NREN ARIADNE) was established in 1984 at the
General Secretat for Research and Innovation and in 1987 it was assinged to the National Center for Scientific Reasearch “Demokritos”.
It evolved into the current
GRNET of EDYTE and was a founding member of the European Network Organization DANTE under the name “ariadnet”, was its National Shareholder until 2016 where it contributed to the creation of the new GEANT ASSOCIATION
The Ariadne-t network was responsible for the transfer of know-how to OTE which led to the creation of OTENET SA as a consortium (OTE, DIMOKRITOS, NTUA).
Contribution to the development of the Internet in Greece with activities such as:
Responsible for the evangelism and demonstration of advanced ICT technology through funded projects of the European Union and other resources.